Robotic automation is revolutionizing various industries, presenting new opportunities and concerns. While fears persist that robots and AI will replace human jobs, historical evidence suggests otherwise. Despite initial apprehensions about personal computers and industrial robots, the overall number of job positions has continued to increase. Factors such as economic growth, the emergence of new industries, and enhanced productivity have contributed to the expansion of employment opportunities. In fact, automation plays a crucial role in enabling societal advancements like transitioning to a 4-day workweek. 

Physical therapy, with its time-consuming and labor-intensive nature, is an ideal candidate for automation, particularly due to therapist shortage and reduced reimbursement. 

Some people worry that robots will replace human therapists, but this is unlikely to happen. Robots will not be able to replace the human touch and compassion that is essential for effective physical therapy. Instead, robots and human therapists will work together to provide the best possible care for patients. As physical therapy will see a shift towards greater reliance on robots, therapists will take care of more patients simultaneously, focusing more on patient interaction and knowledge-based tasks such as diagnosis, goal-setting, and intervention planning. Over time, therapists will play a role in streamlining these processes, making them more clinically effective and efficient. 

As we accelerate automation in physical therapy, all stakeholders will benefit. Patients will be able to undergo more intensive interventions within the same insurance coverage period, leading to faster and better recovery.  Doctors will have access to a wealth of scientific data. This will lead to knowledge expansion on neurological and kinesiological principles, and the development of new rehabilitation protocols. Insurance companies will witness reduced expenses as patients recover faster and achieve better outcomes. Healthcare providers will experience increased revenue outweighing the additional costs associated with implementing robots. The emergence of new robot providers will create job opportunities within the field. 

Contrary to concerns about job loss, the number of therapist positions is expected to continue increasing in the perceivable future. The demand for physical therapy services is growing at a pace that surpasses the supply of therapists. Furthermore, as shorter workweeks become the norm, automation will become increasingly essential to meet the rising demand for care. 

The integration of robotics and automation in physical therapy holds tremendous potential for improving patient outcomes, enabling more efficient workflows, and contributing to the overall growth and development of the field. While concerns about job displacement persist, historical trends and the increasing demand for therapy services suggest that the number of therapist positions will continue to rise. As automation becomes an integral part of our work landscape, we must embrace the opportunities it presents to enhance the quality of care and create a more sustainable healthcare system.